Climate Change & Chemtrails Links
Watts Up With That GeoEngineering Watch Global SkyWatch…
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Skip to contentWatts Up With That GeoEngineering Watch Global SkyWatch…
What is happening in our skies? Chemtrails and Geoengineering are not conspiracy theory. They are happening today and have been increasing in our skies since at least 1996. Watch this…
…away. This is a global issue. Some people call these lines in the skies chemtrails. Some, rightfully call them poison. Others go a bit further and call them a part…
…Group starts talking about chemtrails and what is in those. Aluminum, Barium, Uranium, pathogens, pesticides – bad stuff. Aerotoxic syndrome – pilots and crews are developing sickness from breathing bad…
…being poisoned by chemtrails. And if you still see modern doctors, you are likely being poisoned by Rx drugs. If doctors would look for a cause of discomfort instead of…