Could Pau D’ Arco be the answer to the stomach pains?

Everyone experiences stomach pains sometime in their lives. It can be a burning sensation, a sharp stabbing pain in the stomach's upper or lower abdominal part, and uncomfortable bloating due to excessive intestinal gas. Whatever kind of stomach pains you’re experiencing, natural treatments are readily available on the market. Common medicinal plants and trees such as Shepherd’s Needles, Common Bamboo, Physic Nut, Jackass Bitters, Jade Necklace, and leaf flowers are some of the most effective plants for stomach problems. But today, Pau D’ Arco is gaining attention for its effect on stomach ulcers and inflammations.

Pau D’ Arco, also known as taheebo or lapacho is a native tree that grows in the Amazonian rainforest of Brazil and rainforests of Central and South America it can grow to a height of 125 feet tall with its broad green leaves and its beautiful pink to violet-colored flowers. It contains chemical compounds called naphthoquinones, specifically lapachol and beta-lapachone which have been shown to have both antimicrobial and antiviral activity and is good for anti-tumor effects.

Traditionally, Pau D’ Arco dense and rot-resistant wood has been used by the native people of Brazil to make arrows and bows for hunting and its bark is simmered in water for 15 minutes and can be consumed as tea three times a day called lapacho. Native people used it as a treatment for stomach, skin, and for inflammatory conditions.

Nowadays, it is used to treat a wide range of conditions including, arthritis, inflammation of the prostate gland, fever, dysentery, diabetes, liver ailments, asthma, bronchitis, joint pain, hernias, boils, and wounds. A study shows that Pau D’ Arco extract can also prevent cancer cells and slows down the growth of tumor but the large doses necessary for anti -cancer effects can serious side effects in humans. Suggested dosing is only 1-4 grams per day, or 1 tablespoon bark steeped in boiling water, two to eight times per day while the lapachol intake should be 1.5-2.0 grams per day. Common side effects of Pau D' Arco include dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. At higher doses, Pau D' Arco can cause liver or kidney damage. It should be avoided if you use blood thinners or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs as it may increase the risk of bleeding.

Basically, Pau D’ Arco tree and its bark have a lot to offer that’s why commercial products containing its extract are now available over the counter in pau d'arco bark, powder, tablets, capsules, tea bags, tinctures and ointments. Reviews and satisfactory rates from the direct consumers and users of any Pau D’ Arco product specifically stomach pains are now rising claiming that it improves their bowel movement and lesser the bladder discomfort within just days of taking supplements.

The amazing Pau D’ Arco tree and its extract could really be an answer for some to every kind of stomach pain we encounter.

Also, a reminder, we are not doctors and this is not medical advice.

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