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Gluten Free & Sugar Free Pumpkin Pie

Some people who are chronically ill with either Lyme disease, mold illness or probably some other diseases not only have to avoid gluten, but also sugar. When we were sick, we were also avoiding soy and dairy! This can make holiday menus a little tricky, especially when it comes to desserts. I have hosted Thanksgiving …

Gluten Free & Sugar Free Pumpkin Pie Read More »

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Gluten Free Flour

With Thanksgiving only a week away… and so many people with gluten sensitivities, I know this information about gluten free flour will help with gluten free baking.

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Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean Diet is loaded with antioxidants, high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and oils that are good for us like olive oil, nuts, avocados, some fish and very little meat and dairy. Choose fresh fruit for dessert, rather than pie and cake. Food is typically seasoned with garlic, onions, basil, oregano, and other health-promoting …

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Food and Gluten Sensitivities and Testing

I watched the Suzanne Show for the first time this past Wednesday and I enjoyed it. I recommend watching it on the Lifetime channel if you are at all concerned about health issues. During one of her segments, she states that 50% are sensitive to gluten but don’t know this is what is bothering them. …

Food and Gluten Sensitivities and Testing Read More »

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GMO or Not?

A few months ago, I saw this image with instructions on how to identify GMO produce How do we find out if GMO is in our other foods other than our produce? Labeling would be a good start.

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