Argentyn 23 – How & Why to Use

A few years ago, my daughter got MRSA.  It was couple of years after we had been poisoned by mold.  What started as a barely detectable pimple on her arm, turned into a golf ball sized lump just hours later… and we headed for emergency care.

Argentyn 23
16 oz
The doctor she saw tested the goop they forced out of the infected area  and put her on antibiotics.  After finishing the antibiotics, she was still getting acne break outs and styes on her eyes and I suspected that MRSA infection that had violently erupted on her arm was manifesting in other ways on her face.

I scheduled a ZYTO test with Living Well International and the thing that showed up strongest was MRSA.  The recommendation was Argentyn 23 -1/2 tsp – 3 times a day until clear.

Argentyn 23
32 oz
Wouldn't you know it, a month later, she was no longer plagued with acne or styes. I have done some reading on colloidal silver and I have reason to believe Argentyn 23 is a quality product. It worked for us and it is the brand I will stick with based on my experience.

Since then, I have been taking Argetyn 23 anytime I feel a cold coming on. I give it to the kids, have my husband take it, and will suggest it for first aid in every house.  I get the 32 ounce or the 16 ounce bottles because they lasts longer and they are more cost effective. It has a 3 year shelf life so I don't have to worry about it going bad.  I take it when I feel a bit under the weather or my throat gets scratchy.  I take a tsp, hold it under my tongue for 30 seconds and then swallow.

Argentyn 23
2 oz Gel
I also keep a bottle of the Argentyn 23 gel in my first aid kit and use that on small cuts, burns and scrapes.  I have used it on mouth sores, and even bug bites to stop the itch.  It seems to help minor irritations to heal quicker and replaces my old go to (Neosporin) which is petroleum based and not good to use.

I have been told for years that nebulizing Argentyn 23 lets it get straight to the organs that need it. I gave my nebulizer away years ago and kept looking for a replacement but kept finding nebulizers that needed a doctor's order.  A friend sent me a link to a nebulizer and then I found some other nebulizers on Amazon.

I have been nebulized a tsp of Argentyn 23 twice now and it really seems to clear my mind.

I mean – wow.  I've been in more of a fog than I thought I was and this stuff is lifting a veil!

Remember that the Argentyn 23 is to be taken on an empty stomach, since food, etc. would bind it and prevent its rapid absorption

More Info:

ARGENTYN 23 — Silver Hydrosol


Argentyn 23: Silver Hydrosol

MORE, More Info

How I’m Using Colloidal Silver To Prevent The Flu, Cancer & Get Rid Of A Lung Infection Naturally
Nebulizing Colloidal Silver for Getting Rid of MRSA and other infections


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5 thoughts on “Argentyn 23 – How & Why to Use”

  1. Argentin23, marketed to health professionals, is from the makers of Sovereign Silver. The proper way to ingest either is under the tongue or nebulizer. I’ve used SS for 30 years.

    1. That’s interesting, Jason. Are you saying Sovereign Silver and Argentyn 23 are identical products, made by the same company?

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